OFFICIAL BOOK LAUNCH! Fans on Fire! How to Skyrocket Your Leads, Sales, and Reputation with the Most Trusted Form of Marketing


GET IT NOW! #1 BEST-SELLER: Fans on Fire! How to Skyrocket Your Leads, Sales, and Reputation with the Most Trusted Form of Marketing

LIMITED TIME NEW RELEASE LAUNCH SPECIAL on Amazon Kindle – ORDER NOW! Also available in paperback.

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Lead Your Market with the Best Marketing Money Can’t Buy. Learn How Entrepreneurs Become Rock Stars, Skyrocket Leads and Sales, and Win Awards with Authentic Online Reviews on Google, Facebook, Yelp and More!

  • Do you want to have the best reputation in your local market?
  • Do you want more leads and sales for your business without increasing your budget?
  • Are negative online reviews about your business, product or service pissing you off?
  • Do you want to earn the customer service awards your competition has won?

online review marketingMost businesses are missing a HUGE opportunity to leverage their existing happy customer’s goodwill into FREE marketing!  Through a simple, yet unconventional strategy, Tom Kenemore’s book shows you:

  • How to build a continuous source of free, new leads for your business.
  • How to gate or control which customers will write online reviews for you.
  • How to build or rebuild your online reputation (your social proof) and your national and local search engine optimization (SEO) with online reviews.
  • What the most popular review websites are and how to find the review websites specific to your industry.
  • How to leverage your new and existing positive customer reviews for maximum benefit. 
  • How some of the most popular Internet review websites work.
  • How to handle negative and fake reviews about your product, service or company.
  • How to handle a complaining customer.
  • BONUS: Online Review Marketing Quick Start Guide & 12 email, letter, webpage templates and more!

small business marketingAll with full integrity . . . using only legitimate strategies . . . only real customers and real reviews!  No black hat techniques, unethical reputation management firms, or fake reviews allowed!

Pick up your copy today by clicking HERE! Join over 5000 successful students that have already learned and applied Tom’s online review marketing strategies called “Fans on Fire!”

Yelp Small Business Secrets – Not Recommended Reviews

What! Your great customer review on Yelp disappeared! So how do you get those “filtered” or “not recommended” reviews to show up from your happy customers?

According to a recent survey, Yelp is the most popular of online review websites and is probably the most challenging of review websites to master for a business. Yelp has this super secret formula for what reviews they will make public or not. For example, in my DJ company, we had 3 public reviews being shown and about 10 hidden ones. All of them were legitimate reviews of course, but the Yelp filter kept them hidden. Now I wish I had known about these strategies back when I still owned the company so I could have fixed that.

So how do we get those filtered or hidden reviews to show up? The best way to get “not recommended” reviews to show up publicly is to get your customer more involved in other Yelp reviews. As soon as you get a review on Yelp, respond to it by: friending the customer on Yelp, like the review and send them a message through Yelp asking them to review other businesses. The problem is Yelp is suspicious of reviewers that sign up, leave one review and never return to the site. Those reviews will likely be hidden. Hidden reviews can come back to life though, show up publicly and then disappear again! Yelp even has a policy against asking for reviews! They are the only review site that I know of that has that policy! Now that’s a “policy” that I say you need to bend.

Here is some sample text that you could use to message a customer on Yelp that has had their positive review hidden from public view:

“Thank you so much for your review of my business on Yelp. I’m so glad we exceeded your expectations. Just an FYI. Your review did get hidden from public view (which does happen on occasion). Could you help me to make sure your review gets listed publicly on Yelp by reviewing some additional businesses? The more active on Yelp that you are, the more your reviews will show up to help other customers to find us and the other businesses that you like. Thanks again for your support. I really appreciate it.”

Above all – Keep working at it. Yelp shows up very high in Google so you want as many Yelp reviews that you can get. For example, in our local DJ market, our Yelp listing made it to the bottom of page 1 in Google. Before we started with Yelp, the review website didn’t even show up in our category. In one study of Yelp by the Harvard Business School an increase of just one star for a restaurant lead to a 5 to 9% increase in revenue. Now you can’t argue with the importance of great reviews on Yelp after hearing that!

For a free quick start guide to leveraging the power of legitimate online reviews and 12 free email, letter and web page templates, download it here.

Want to learn more about leveraging your online reviews on Yelp, Google Plus, Facebook and more, check out my online course!

Why Online Reviews Are Important For Your Business

YelpLogo1There is a large segment of small businesses today that completely ignore their online reviews.  In a recent survey performed by Yodle, about 50% of small business owners believe positive online reviews are not important.  I recently compiled a list of the benefits a business can receive by encouraging their customers to give them positive online reviews.

A stellar review from a client on a review site like Yelp, Google Plus, etc. will do some, if not all of these:

  • Give you a higher listing on the review site
  • Increase your star rating on the site and in search engines that share the star rating
  • Increase organic national searches on search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc.
  • Increase your local search engine optimization

But most importantly, a positive online review will increase your social proof, your legitimacy in your market.  Clients and customers buy from those that they trust.  Legitimate positive online reviews will do that for you.  Check out some of my best resources for managing your businesses online reviews.  Check out my new online course:  Fans on Fire!  Build Your Business With Online Reviews!

For a free quick start guide to leveraging the power of legitimate online reviews and 12 free email, letter and web page templates, download it here.

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Top Tips For Leveraging Your Positive Online Reviews

REviewHere is an exclusive excerpt from my online course:  Fans on Fire!  Build Your Business With Online Reviews.  Rather than keep it secret and open to my course attendees only, I thought I would share it with you!  So here are some of my top tips and links for leveraging your businesses online reviews:

Google Plus:  If you haven’t already, this is the first review site/social media profile you should set up or claim for your business.  So much could be said about the command presence that Google has on the internet, but that would take up way too much space.  Suffice to say, get this set up now.  Here is a short article on updates to Google Plus Pages:  Here is a free handout generator to get Google page reviews:

Facebook:  Make sure your business page is listed as a local business or use an app that allows reviews.  Admins currently have the ability to respond to reviews.  You also have the ability to remove the review or rating system as well. – Adding ratings and reviews to your business page

Twitter:  Start a hashtag like #yourbusinessnamereviews so you can collect as many positive reviews that are easily searchable.  Favorite those tweets as well.  Research shows that positive tweets from customers lead to more business.

Yelp – Yelp may be the most challenging of review sites to master.  They have this super secret formula for what reviews they will make public or not.  For example, in my DJ company, we had 3 public reviews being shown and 10 hidden ones.  All of them were legitimate reviews of course, but the Yelp filter took them out.  But keep working at it.  Yelp shows up very high in Google so you want as many Yelp reviews that you can get.  For example, in the DJ market, our Yelp listing made it to the bottom of page 1 in Google.  Before we started with Yelp, the Yelp listing in Google didn’t even show up in that local DJ search.

How do you get those filtered or hidden reviews to show up?  The number 1 way is to get your customer more involved in other Yelp reviews.  Respond to the review, friend the customer on Yelp, like the review and send them a message through Yelp asking them to review other businesses.  Yelp is suspicious of reviewers that sign up, leave one review and never return to the site.  Those reviews will likely be hidden.  Hidden reviews can come back to life, show up publicly and then disappear again!  Yelp even has a policy against asking the customer directly for reviews!….the only review site that I know of that has that policy!  That’s a “policy” that I say you need to bend…keep asking your happy customers to review you on Yelp!  Here is an article with more tips on filtered reviews in Google and on Yelp:  In one study of Yelp by the Harvard Business School an increase of just one star for a restaurant lead to a 5 to 9% increase in revenue.

Hubspot is a great resource for all kinds of online marketing knowledge.  Here is a great article from them on getting more reviews: and the 20 places Hubspot recommends being listed on:

Here is a great chart showing top review sites and their importance for ranking and actually here is the link to the entire article, which is awesome!

Great article on what not to do and examples of review landing pages:

Surveys can be a great way to get feedback and reviews for your company.  Here are a couple of links to some free options: &

For a free quick start guide to leveraging the power of legitimate online reviews and 12 free email, letter and web page templates, download it here.

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